Myofunctional Therapy
What is an orofacial myofunctional disorder?
An orofacial myofunctional disorder describes any irregularities in the function and form of the facial and oral muscles, including
dental or skeletal structures that affect normal development and
growth. OMD’s can occur throughout the lifespan and present
differently in different age groups.

What is myofunctional therapy?
Orofacial Myofunctional therapy includes the elimination of improper oral habits and re-learning of the oro (mouth) and facial (face) muscles and their function through repetitive exercises. We focus on teaching children and adolescents to breathe nasally, develop proper oral rest posture, chew and swallow correctly, and correct speech sound errors.
Does my child have an orofacial myofunctional disorder?
Infants - 3 y.o.
Difficulty nursing
Poor latch for breast or bottle feeding
Open mouth posture
Difficulty transitioning to solids
Gagging, choking, or vomiting
Young Children
Tethered oral issues
Tongue thrust,reverse swallow
Persisting oral habits such as thumb sucking or pacifier use
Mouth breathing
Eating primarily soft foods
Improper jaw growth or malocclusion
Impaired speech
Open mouth resting posture
Orthodontic relapse
TMD, jaw pain, or facial pain
Persisting Articulation errors
Issues with chewing and diet or persisting food aversions
Oral habits
Sleep disordered breathing
Improper tongue resting position
Improper body posture

10640 N Riverside Dr Suite 200
Fort Worth, TX 76244
Phone: 817-431-9000
Fax: 817-796-2781
Email: info@beelievepediatrictherapy.com
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